
Malerierne har handling, bevægelse og kroppens sprog
Relieffer er den glade afdeling for udskårne figurer

Tegning og grafik

Grafiske tryk og illustrationer


Verner Brems underviser i portrætmaleri med et tvist, abstraktioner og grafiske trykteknikker.
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Udsmykning og grafisk tilrettelæggelse

Verner Brems is originally educated blacksmith – but became artist by studying at Arts & crafts School in Denmark and the Academy of Fine arts in Cracow.
Today he works with paintings, reliefs and graphical design. He’s a member of the Danish Association of Visual Artist and PAND INTERNATIONAL (Performers and Artists for Nuclear Disarmament).
My work is devided in two groups: My PAINTINGS have action, movement and the bodys languange inspired from the world of comic paper and advertising. There are strings back to old romantic movies and nostalgie, and they often involve a twisted drama with lovely ladies and tough men. My RELIEFS are the happy and positive department for cut-out figures. Twisted, grotesque and humourous.